| Anni Holden

It is with deep regret that we have to cancel the Discover Churches Hidden Stories, Open Doors Conference on 10th & 11th October 2022. 

We are very aware that the news will be a blow to all (as it is to us). The challenging, volatile and ever changing times, affecting the economic and social confidence of everyone has impacted on the support of our target audience for the conference. 

Refunds and further information will be sent to delegates who have purchased tickets. 

National Churches Tourism Conference on Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th October 2022

Location: Shrewsbury Abbey & Shrewsbury United Reformed Church

Put the date in your diary now.

As the HLF church tourism project comes to a close we will be reporting back on how it has worked out for member churches despite Covid! Monday afternoon will see 3 possible guided coach trips to two churches in Herefordshire and Shropshire or a guided walk around Shrewsbury town centre churches - five different denominations. On Tuesday we will have an update on the project, some excellent speakers and a wide range of seminars/workshops for you to choose from. More details will follow but we hope as many of you as possible will come and join us for a great day out.